Gouachefarben Lascaux

Buy Lascaux Gouache in Lachenmeier Farben stores in Basel Bern Zurich and online Lascaux gouache; Acrylic modified tempera paint of great luminosity and high concentration - for art, design and teaching. - highly opaque, extremely lightfast, deep in color and luminous. - very viscous, dilute with water as desired for use - Retains the color intensity and luminosity even with strong dilution.


Lascaux Gouache Flaschen 85 ml

Lascaux Gouache Flaschen 250 ml

Lascaux Gouache Flaschen 500 ml

Lascaux Gouache Resonance

All color shades dry with water and can be dissolved again with a delay. Lascaux Gouache adheres to almost all absorbent surfaces and has excellent paintability; without color mixing in multiple layers. Back to Guache colors Poster colors