Primo Plastilin permanently plastic

Plasticines are plastic, non-drying kneading masses. For shaping and for impressions, never drying, always remain malleable.

Plasticine knead on a wax basis, permanently plastic (malleable), does not dry out

What is plastic and what is elastic? Plastic: The mass is and remains malleable and does not return to its previous shape Elastic: The mass is flexible and goes back to its previous shape itself.

St 261cp550800 EAN 8006919092619 PRIMO Plasticine Black 550gr + 1 tool
St 261cp550530 EAN 8006919062612 PRIMO Plasticine Blu 550gr + 1 tool ....cont..
St 261cp550730 EAN 8006919082610 PRIMO Plasticine Brown 550gr + 1 tool
St 261cp550610 EAN 8006919072611 PRIMO Plasticine Green 550gr + 1 tool
St 261cp550850 EAN 8006919102615 PRIMO Plasticine Grey 550gr + 1 tool ....con..
St 261cp550250 EAN 8006919032615 PRIMO Plasticine Orange 550gr + 1 tool ....c..
St 261cp550330 EAN 8006919052613 PRIMO Plasticine Pink 550gr + 1 tool ....con..
St 261cp550310 EAN 8006919042614 PRIMO Plasticine Red 550gr + 1 tool ....cont..
St 261cp550100 EAN 8006919012617 PRIMO Plasticine White 550gr + 1 tool
St 261cp550201 EAN 8006919022616 PRIMO Plasticine Yellow 550gr + 1 tool ....c..