Paint stripper

LackAb chlorine-free paint stripper / stripper. LackAb reliably removes most of the old paintwork, including 2 component paints. This paint stripper is biodegradable.

  • Working instructions for paint remover LackAb: Apply LackAb with a roller (more regular application than with a brush!)
  • Application quantity at least 350 - 500 g / m2. If the quantity is too small, no effect!
  • Cover with plastic wrap to prevent premature drying out
  • After about 2 - 3 hours, the old coating can be removed with a spatula
  • If the old paint has not softened to the bottom after 3 hours, simply apply another layer of LackAb, cover with plastic film and after a few hours everything can be scraped off to the bottom.
  • Usually several layers can be removed in one operation
  • Rinse with solvent / nitro thinner
  • Safety instructions: Wear gloves and protective goggles, use with good ventilation
  • Top: Anstrichvorbereitung Lackiervorbereitung